Sunday, October 18, 2009

Happy Sunday, Football Fans

Whether you're a fitness buff, weekend warrior, or armchair athlete, Sunday is the perfect day to stretch out-- on a cushy yoga mat or a comfy couch, for example. For those of you who practice yoga to support other athletic pursuits, I'm curious to know what's your sport, and what yoga pose do you do to limber up for it?


Rich said...

Hi Rebecca,

Just 'tripped' over your site while searching for other studios in the area.

Yoga is my 'off-season' conditioning which helps me balance out my cycling and running. I still consider myself a rookie having only started last February but felt the results within a short period of time.

Can't wait to start up again once it gets a bit colder out.


Rich said...

PS: guess I didn't answer your question directly..sorry.

I have started to insert a few poses into my pre-run or pre-ride routine though I can't recall the correct names of them. But they focus on loosening up my quads, IT band, hamstrings, and lower back.