Thursday, July 17, 2008

Props to My Om People!

Thank you so much to the cadre of insightful commenters who posted their thoughts this week. Your honesty, levity, and- you bet- snarkiness are both refreshing and informative. How else, for example, could I learn that some, among you, have a serious affinity for Flavor of Love? I was also pleased to see my college pal, NYC gal, take the opportunity to toss out a playful jab. Above all, you've illustrated that the "inmates running the asylum," isn't such a bad thing. Bravo!

Overwhelmingly, your comments gave me the sense that you are, indeed, overwhelmed- which is why I'm making it my mission to help cultivate more balance in your lives, if only for the few moments a day (ahem, everyday) when you check in with The World According to Om Gal.

While we're on the topic of balance, I wanted to give you the inside scoop that I'm slated to begin contributing to a new website launched by Deepak Chopra, his daughter, Mallika, and others very soon. I'll be a regular "voice" on the topic of Balance- in life, not necessarily on one foot. More details to come . . .

In the meantime, keep reading and commenting- and even blaming me for your chocolate chip cookie binges.

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